- Neon signs are most commonly used in retail businesses, bars, nightclubs, and restaurants
- The first neon tube was invented in 1910 by a French scientist named Georges Claude
- In the 1930s there were over 20,000 neon signs in New York City alone
- There are no regulations on what colors can be used for neon sign letters or symbols
- Most of the time when people think of "neon" they're thinking about red but other colors include pinkish-orange (called peach), yellowish-green (called lime green), and bluish-purple (called lavender)
- They make great backdrops for taking selfies with friends!
Neon signs are bright, flashy and eye-catching. So what do you need to know?
We’ve compiled 20 facts about neon signs that will help you understand the history of the iconic sign, how they work, and their different applications in today's world.
Neon Signs have been around since the late 1800s when glass tubing was invented by Georges Claude. The first patent for a neon tube was filed in 1918 by British engineer Alan Whittaker who also created the word “neon” from Greek neos meaning new or young + on meaning generative power of electricity.
Neon signs are a great way to advertise your brand, and we can help you get started. With the 20 things worth knowing about these glowing wonders of advertising, you’ll be able to make an informed decision on what type of sign will work best for your business. If you already know that neon is the perfect signage solution for your establishment or event but don't have time to research all this info yourself, feel free to reach out with any questions! Our team is standing by ready to answer any questions or concerns that might arise during the process. You can also buy a neon sign today from our online store here neonsignature.com