News: Neon sign for business
Do neon signs need to be plugged in?

What is a neon sign and what does it do for your business How to choose the best type of neon sign for your needs Different types of power sources and how they work How to install a neon sign safely and quickly Tips on maintenance, troubleshooting, and other FAQs...
Do neon lights use a lot of electricity?

Do neon lights use a lot of electricity The cost of running neon lights Is it worth the cost to run them on your home's exterior What are some alternatives for decorating my house with bright colors without using neon lights How do I choose an LED light bulb that...
Are neon signs brighter than LED?

What are the benefits of neon signs for your business How much do they cost to install Should you choose LED or neon lights for your sign The best way to get started with a new sign Neon signs have been around since the 1920s - what are some examples...
20 things worth knowing about neon signs

Neon signs are most commonly used in retail businesses, bars, nightclubs, and restaurants The first neon tube was invented in 1910 by a French scientist named Georges Claude In the 1930s there were over 20,000 neon signs in New York City alone There are no regulations on what colors can...
What are the benefits of using a neon sign for your business?

Neon signs are eye-catching and can be seen from a distance They are affordable for businesses of all sizes If you have an existing sign, neon is the perfect way to update it! A large variety of colors and fonts are available to make your business stand out Signs will...